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Coronavirus Update – COVID-19 guidance for schools and education settings

Coronavirus Update – COVID-19 guidance for schools and education settings

For the latest information and advice about Coronavirus (COVID-19) please visit the Gov.UK website https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public

Please see the attached letter from Public Health England (PHE) containing new information and guidance for schools regarding coronavirus.

In summary the guidance advises schools to stay open and follow hygiene guidance. Any staff member or pupil who has been to one of the affected countries in the last 14 days and feels unwell should self-isolate at home and call 111. If there is a confirmed case in a school or setting PHE will advise us directly.


For more information please contact us: call: 01308 482410 email: office@thorners.dorset.sch.uk

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